22 June 2007

La nueva WPF GridView

Buenos Días, ayer por la noche fue publicado en El Guille mi primer artículo sobre C#: La nueva WPF GridView, Como personalizarla y añadir múltiples orígenes de datos (primera parte), lo teneis recien salido del horno aquí :

Espero que sea de utilidad sino ahora dentro de unos meses, Saludos Juanpa

19 June 2007

The new WPF GridView customized 1 of 3

Today I have published the first article of GridView and DataBinding, I hope you find it interesting, read the article . Read the post before to know what has inside.

Until the next article, bye.

15 June 2007

The GridView (WPF)

Today I was in the Step 3 of codeproject to upload my new article about GridView and when I click on Next it crush :(. All my translated article to the net bin. So tonight I will upload it again, (I'll copy the html), for the spanish readers here is the .pdf file of my article send me an email to receive a .pdf version

This is the first chapter of two, it contains:

  • Creating a GridView
  • Binding XML .net 2.0
  • Binding XML with XAML only (static)
  • Binding XML with XAML and C# (dynamic)
  • Binding SQL Server Data.
  • Binding Access Data.
  • Binding MySQL Data.
  • Customize Header.
  • Customize Background.
  • Customize Rows.

In the next chapter I will add binding array, editing cells, grouping and more customization.

03 June 2007

New article and updates

Good Night everyone, people sometimes makes more pressure than the boss :). I have just published the new article RibbonForm, RibbonRoundButton and RibbonFastMenu.

I have updated the RibbonMenuButton with Solved Repaint ChangingSize, solved excesive CPU consuming. Added KeepPress and IsPress functionaliy, I hope CodeProject post it on Monday.

Thank you very much for the votings and comments . Now I have to rest a bit.